HS Memoirs #8 – the study spot

The assignment is to share my favorite study spot for homeschooling.

I had a computer station, table, and bookcase all set up. Of course, we don’t use any of those. The computer station has wireless connectivity issues so he stands up at the music server to do any web searching. He writes out his assignments so no other need for the computer/printer. The table is in a room full of morning sun, so that wasn’t comfortable. Plus, he has a habit of wandering off so I wanted him more in my line of sight when I’m on a conference call for work. We moved him to the dining room table which is too far away from the bookcase right now. I am going to include a picture of the dining room table with his materials spread out. Uncle Anthony claims one end of it, but Connor still has plenty of room to do his stuff.

Of course, he preferes using a lap desk over on the couch back on the side of the house that gets all the morning sun! Oh well, between the various places he gets the work done.


Filed under Homeschool Memoirs

10 responses to “HS Memoirs #8 – the study spot

  1. Got to love the lap desk! Thanks for sharing today . .. have a wonderful day 😉

  2. We use a lap desk too. Have a great day!

  3. Great share, hopw your day goes well.

  4. krazzymommy

    I love and use my lap desk all the time!


  5. Funny about your roaming student, but like you said….the work gets done!! 🙂

  6. That is so true: I forgot when I did my post that, even though we have a schoolroom with table and couch, my kids have their own corners set up with blankets and pillows, and they do lots of their schoolwork huddled in their little burrows!

  7. JM

    My oldest loves the lapdesk as well. 🙂


  8. Lisa in ME

    Love it! The couch looks very comfy. I think I’d love to cuddle up there & do school work too, but I’d probably drift off to sleep. 😉

  9. rmboys

    Your couch looks very comfortable! Love the lapbook ideal too. Have a great rest of the week.


  10. I’ve thought about getting a lap desk for our children…and we do school sort of all over as well.

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